OO I also prefer scales, I used to be nendoroid fan but their chibiness is kinda no longer for me anymore. Some scales are well made tbh, and I'm too lazy to pose so it's fair XD
Hammann Kai
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I notice the “More from GrandPr1x1” section is above this discussion section, which seems out of order, but that may just be me.
I wanted to comment that adding pictures using the “Ctrl-Alt-I” is difficult since you have to have the full URL of the image you want to add. I did it by having multiple tabs open and switching between them as I checked what URL each loaded picture had. I assume this allows linking to off-site images, and maybe I was using that tool wrongly (i.e., using it in a way that is inconsistent with how it is intended to be used).
The “Figure Photo” feature that I thought was broken actually worked just fine and even provided a flyout when I hovered over the published image. However, when I used the “preview” button while creating the article, the image was not included, so I surmised that feature didn't work. Also, the selection tool obscures all NSFW-classified images, so you can't choose them. The box that I managed to bring in to the article using this method was not classified as NSFW.
articles are very much a work in progress, they use systems that i didn't create so there's weird bugs and things to work out. It runs on basically the same formating system as reddit but with some extras (adding figure/community photos, figure links).
I will probably add a NSFW mode for the articles so NSFW photos can be allowed, but currently that is just to stop people seeing NSFW stuff accidentally.
Without many articles to test with i haven't really put much effort in to finishing it as it is very labour intensive to work on, but articles like this give me some motivation to work on it.
Hi. Great article. I bought the “Pucchi Niku” version of Minmin (80mm high) and found the black base to be glued on, but otherwise the quality is quite nice. I wasn't sure about getting the larger one because of the base issue though, but now I know they don't include a base at all with the 1/3 scale version, so maybe I'll buy one too. Thank you.
Wow, I'm kinda surprised they supplied a base with the Pucchi Niku version since she totally doesn't need it. My pics don't include the stuff leaking from her nether-regions since she's wearing a swimsuit; maybe the smaller version leakage is ‘fixed in place’ and requires a base? I dunno, but I've enjoyed her.
Well, I finally pried them apart. I think there's glue, so they clearly didn't want the base taken off. No “leakage” for the small one either. Headphone adapter to censor the image. The big one definitely seems like a better deal now.

Does FC have policies or rules that are specific for how shota & lolita figures are classified? I've entered several Insight figures to the database and hope to enter more, but I don't want to run foul of FC's policies. Consider this Insight figure newly put on sale (these links go to NSFW pages):
Insight's official 1/4-scale Anita page Insight's official blog post for Anita Moeyo's picture page of Anita
- When making database entries for such items, may the official images (or Moeyo's images) be loaded?
- May uncensored images found online be loaded? (Moeyo & Insight apply censors, but other sites might not)
- May uncensored images taken by owners be loaded? For example, from Insight, via Moeyo, another NSFW link for a figure with a tail-butt-plug Moeyo's Fuwa Hanamaru page. Are uncensored images taken by owners allowed?
Also, in the interest of self-reporting, I did already load official images of Minmin, but only loaded clothed personal images.
Just wanting to understand FCs rules for posting, and by extension, for articles. I know that, for the healthy growth of the site FC may need to have a system to stop content from being seen by those who take offense to it, and I want to respect those boundaries 😃
I absolutely love her, although i do hate the thought of her lean getting bad. She does have a pole in her base but, who knows how long thatll last LOL. She has beautiful details, a beautiful face sculpt, a pretty dynamic pose. She also looks amazing from multiple angles.
i let my PO slip as i was kinda hoping for something a little cuter for mona. Sad now i've actually seen her final form but hopefully we get some more.
Really hope Oriental Forest actually show up with a final version of ark royal (https://figure.community/figures/196/ark%20royal%20oriental%20forest) 🙏
Is there a database field where I should have included the manufacturer's product name? In this instance, it is, "ロリチャイナ娘「ミンミン」". or in Romanji, “Loli China Musume Minmin”
usually just pop it in the version field, version might not be the best wording for it but i'm not sure what else.
Once the database page is created (e.g., https://figure.community/figures/5208/minmin%20insight) is there a way to go back and make corrections or edit the info (e.g., go into the version field after the fact to add the product title)?
Links to MFG sources: Insight Product Link Insight Product Article Link
Moeyo's selection of pictures: Moeyo's Link
Is it possible for two figures to share the same set of pictures? This figure, which is 1/4 scale, has a variant that is 1/6 scale.
- Is it possible for each image to be related or assigned to more than 1 database entry? This way, we won't have to upload the same pictures twice and waste storage space. or,
- Is it possible for 1 database entry to communicate 2 different products - 2 different scales (in this case 1/6-scale and 1/4-scale), 2 different prices, sizes, JAN codes, etc.
Just looking to see if there is a graceful way to handle what are basically duplicate entries. 😃
What happened to my previously created thread? It disappeared into the abyss?!? It was giving links to the MFG web pages and Moeyo web pages. LOL, well here they are again, just in case:
Moeyo Link Link 1